Paul Schulte

Paul Schulte, Red (Team) Analysis SocietyPaul Schulte, Honorary Professor, Institute for Conflict, Cooperation, and Security, University of Birmingham; Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Science and Security Department of War Studies, King’s College, University of London; Non-Resident Senior Associate, Carnegie Europe and Carnegie Endowment Nuclear Policy Program

Paul Schulte is an Honorary Professor in the School of Government and Society at Birmingham University, and Non-resident Senior Associate at in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and at Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on the future of deterrence, nuclear strategy, nuclear nonproliferation, cyber security, military ethics, and their political implications. He is also a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Defence Studies at King’s College, University of London, and was recently appointed to the University of Birmingham Policy Commission on Remote Warfare.

His government positions included security policy in the Northern Ireland Office in Belfast, and British defence commitments between Morocco and Bangladesh. He became MODUK’s Director of Proliferation and Arms Control in 1997 (and so UK Commissioner on the UN Commissions for Iraqi Disarmament: UNSCOM and UNMOVIC) He was Director of Defence Organisation in the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad during 2004 and, later, founding Head of the U.K.’s interdepartmental Post Conflict Reconstruction Unit (now the Stabilisation Unit). Between 2006 and 2007 he was Chief Speechwriter for two UK Defence Secretaries.

His academic background includes a BSC Econ degree from the LSE, the Royal College of Defence Studies Senior Officers Course, and a Fellowship at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. He is also a qualified, and formerly practising, group psychotherapist. He is a member of the advisory board of the UK Committee of Transparency International, and a (rigorously secular) co-chair of the UK Council on Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament (CCADD).